on teamliquid attack

Awesome! I was a bit busy with school work a couple weeks ago, but I managed to watch the TeamLiquid Attack! episode with White-Ra.

TeamLiquid Attack! is a Starcraft show where professional Starcraft gamers come play against community members as a sort of fan service. Guest casters, usually other community members, stream the matches to the community. If you want to play against them, you have to guess a trivia question they ask on the stream, or be really really lucky like I was.

Here I am in the final game, a 3v3 against iNcontroL, CatZ and White-Ra. I’m the Zerg player who kills the Probe. :D

I was actually too nervous during the entire game because I was freaking out since I never win anything and kind of starstruck. I think I was screaming like a fangirl the entire time. It was so awesome.

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