A New Beginning

So, I disappeared for a few months. Listed some goals and then ran off. That’s okay, because I’ve been busy.

This site got a facelift. I’m finally satisfied with the way it turned out. Now I am focusing on adding some cool features instead of mmm-ing over the theme.

I went over a lot of my CSS and re-structured it. As in, I re-did the entire site HTML structure, and began using SASS instead of CSS. SASS is gosh-darn powerful, I must say, and I regret not using it from the start. It would’ve made things a lot simpler, but then maybe I wouldn’t appreciate it as much.

It’s been a long time.

I sufferred a concussion after skiing. Blacked out for a couple minutes at least. I think. People were very worried, but since I have no recollection of the event, I can’t really visualize how bad it must’ve been.

I am reading again.

Back to the levels I once did. Throw some books into my Kobo and read as much as I can during my commutes. I cut out my crosswords, because this just has a lot more substance to it.

I am working out.

I have never been super fit. Decently fit growing up, but nothing special. I think I’ll try to change that now. Going to start an even more active routine when I get back to school, but for now I’m just trying to break my body down and start all over again. The numbness feels nice.

I am thinking differently.

I’ve learned so much in the last 8 months or so, the rest of my life feels so … disjoint and wrong. I’m constantly feeding myself information — I’m learning from everything I do and all the mistakes I’ve made. And even better, I can feel myself actually understanding more of the things around me. Some people said I was in the middle of becoming an adult. I wasn’t sure what they meant, but I’m inclined to agree now.

Of course, I’m not done growing and I still have to work to apply my knowledge so it’s actually used and not abused in my head, but I like the thought of growing as well.

####For the first time in a while, I feel like I am alive.

This site is maintained by blisse