Why this site exists.

Back a while ago, during my second interview ever, I was asked a pretty strange question – why did I have a website? The interviewer seemed to have an idea that I created a website just to put my resume on it, and that was that. I didn’t like it, but really I hadn’t worked on the site enough to warrant debating his opinion. But I worked on it in the months after the interview.

I don’t actually know what compelled me to even create the website in the first place.

While there was a nice blog post about blogging even though you have no readers, I didn’t really start for the benefit of writing, even though I can see now how maintaining the blog every once in a while really helps my writing from degenerating into an obscure mess.

For now, I have this website because I like to use it as an expression of me. Particularly around interview time, lots of people throw up a website just as an online ‘contact me’ page with no intention of actually being active on it, and now they have something to link to on their resume. But it’s just an extended resume.

By actually having a blog and writing about really unconventional and awkward topics, I’m presenting … me.

This website shows who I am, the stuff my mind wanders off to, and to me, is a much better representation of who I am than a resume. And I like it, not only to keep tabs on my past, but also to drive the idea that we’re more than just carefully scripted descriptions on a piece of paper.

This site is maintained by blisse